Legal Key Expert services provided:
a) Initial assessment
Reviewed the conditions of the operating grant provided by ECLO to PAK, in particular with Annex VIII – Description of the performance related bonus scheme;
Carried out analysis and comment on the introduction of the performance related bonus scheme into the PAK staff contracts, as well as its effectiveness to date;
Collected and analyzed the PAK HR evaluation on the performance of individual members of the top and middle management for the set privatization and liquidation goals, and indicators against the performance related bonus scheme;
Assessed the PAK HR policy in term of staff stimulation for better performance; and
Consulted and informed the European Commission Liaison Office and the PAK on progress of the findings during the initial assessment.
b) Preparation of the Assessment Report
Based on the findings from the initial assessment, drafted an assessment report on the implementation of the performance related bonus scheme at PAK, and reported to the ECLO and PAK whether the bonus was rightfully released to the staff based on their performance;
Communicated and obtained approval of the draft documents prepared from ECLO;
Worked with another FWC expert on the performance of the PAK as regards the evaluation of the operational goals and measurable indicators for privatization and liquidation progress; and Delivered an assessment report on the implementation of the performance related bonus scheme at PAK with recommendations later approved by the Beneficiary.