The scope of work of the consultant included expert analysis, conclusions and recommendations including:
1. Technical Assessment: Existing documents (technical documents, papers regarding risks, beneficiaries, output, etc., with a respective appraisal) were analyzed and log framework plan for the project was prepared.
2. Legal and Institutional Assessment: Legal documents (laws, treaties, EU Directives) and institutional aspects were analyzed and adequate organization of the River Basin Management Body proposed;
3. Assessment of the River Basin Infrastructure Investment Fund: A review of the proposed funding and implementation mechanisms (from the Supplementary Investigation on Funding Report) for individual water infrastructure projects was conducted and a new mechanism was proposed; Specified administration of the fund.
4. Analysis of Project Budget and Procurement Procedure: Conducted assessment of project costs and project budget; procurement lots and procurement procedures proposed.
5. Proposal for Project Organization: Drafted a proposal for project organization structure and principles of cooperation during implementation, taking into consideration involvement of all key actors.
6. Analyze the Feasibility of Policy Dialogue: A proposal was produced on how to start a sector policy dialogue on integrated water management local and national level.
7. Drafting important Elements for Technical Assistance for the Implementation Consultant: Proposed important elements for the Technical Assistance for consulting services to accompany the project implementation.
Other activities conducted:
Data collection for the preparation of the team’s mission in Macedonia,
Organization of the team’s mission in Macedonia,
Participation to the team’s mission in Macedonia,
Data collection and assessment all along the project,
Assistance to the team members when the local knowledge of water management aspects is required.