Procurement of Customs Declarations and Excise Processing System (CDEPS)

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
The CDEPS project objective was to provide a system that will ensure an undistributed flow of electronic information between all participants in the customs and excise procedures, through connection of the external, national and common Domain, as well as the domain of other government institutions. With the simplification and computerization of the administrative carrying out of controls, the collection of revenues should become much more efficient and the flow of goods will be expedited. With implementation of the CDEPS a solution should be developed which shall provide for the Customs Administration and the customs offices: – Management of the customs declarations and the excise documents (submission, acceptance/receipt, registry, processing, archiving); – Control of the movement of excise goods, electronic message exchange within the automatic administrative course of operation; – Efficiency in conducting controls concerning collected and returned customs duties, excises, taxes and other charges; – Faster flow of goods; – Improvement of the security of the supply system, in accordance with the initiative of the WCO and the EU membership standards. The system should provide a data exchange between the customs authorities, the economic operators, as well as other government institutions.

Role on the Assignment

The Consultant provided local technical and complete legal support for the implementation of the contract introducing the CDEPS System, comprised of the following systems:

System for electronic message exchange (with business community, representatives, banks, other agencies and statistics);




Import Control System;

Export Control System;

Excise Goods Movement Control System;

Excise Documents Control System; and

As well as the subsystems along with the accompanying documentation.

The Consultant performed the following activities:

Provided local support in analysis, development, testing, delivery, installation and put into function of the CDEPS;

Assisted in implementation of the CDEPS, support during transfer to production and post implementation phase;

Conducted training for use, maintenance and adjustment of the application, intended for the users and the employees of the Sector for Information technology;

Conducted maintenance of the software and support services;

Supported the integration and interconnection of the systems and sub-systems of the CDEPS with the modules NCTS (a system that is under construction in the Customs Administration) and ITE (a system that needs to be developed with a project that is in pre-contractual phase), as well as the migration and transition of the data from the exiting functional systems towards the CDEPS; and

 Provided legal consultancy related to contract implementation and CDEPS adoption by the Customs Administration.

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