The Communication expert of the consultant ensured that Swiss technical assistance projects are effectively communicated, understood, and supported by all involved parties. The expert conducted the following activities and outputs:
Secured the stakeholder engagement facilitating the communication between various stakeholders, including local communities, government agencies, and international partners, to ensure everyone is aligned and informed;
Prepared and conducted the public awareness campaign. Creating content for social media, websites, and other communication channels, the expert designed and implemented campaign aimed to raise awareness about the project’s goals, progress, and benefits;
Conducted capacity building, provided training and supported local communication teams to enhance their skills and ensure sustainable communication practices are established;
Conducted monitoring and evaluation. The expert developed and implemented strategies to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of communication activities, ensuring that the project’s objectives are met;
Secured crisis communication preparing and managing communication strategies for all crises and challenges during the project, ensuring timely and effective responses;
Produced the relevant documentation and reporting documenting the project’s progress and outcomes, created reports and case studies later shared with stakeholders and used for future reference.