The consultant assisted the CEFTA Subcommittee on Trade in Services in the implementation of the CEFTA Agreement by facilitating the process for launching a regulatory dialogue to improve the electronic commerce sector between CEFTA parties, in compliance with the EU legislation and policies.
The specific tasks conducted by the experts:
All barriers to e-commerce and assess e-commerce impact on trade were identified;
The possibilities for launching a dialogue on regulatory issues to discuss a wide range of issues, in order to facilitate cross border e-commerce in CEFTA Parties was assessed;
The possibility for regional actions aimed at increasing citizen’s trust in online services (payment etc.) and coordination on e-commerce trust marks was analyzed. (Benefitting consumers);
Possibilities for establishing recognition of certificates of electronic signature and facilitation of cross-border certification services were noted;
The possibilities to address treatment of unsolicited electronic commercial communications were reported;
The protection of consumers in the ambit of electronic commerce was analyzed;
Other issues relevant for developing the electronic commerce were registered, and Recommendations and next steps both at national and regional level were produced, delivered and approved.