Area of Cooperation: Study: Analysis of Competitiveness and State Aid in the Sectors of Textile and Automotive – Parts

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
European Agency for Reconstruction, Invest Macedonia, Ministry of Economy

Role on the Assignment

Activities completed:

Conducted overview of the sectors (number of firms, employees, regional diversity, main trade and competitiveness) including (if available) ownership structures and loss/profit;

Produced clear table of past and existing state aid to the sectors;

Produced clear picture of planned aid (type of aid and amounts);

Conducted analysis and provided conclusions relating to the industrial structure, the competitiveness of the sectors and the planned state aid using European companies and policies in the two sectors as benchmarks;

Outputs provided:

Overview plan with a proposed outline of the study presented and approved by the ECD discussed within the first week of implementation;

Draft study presented to the ECD (in paper and electronically);

Final draft study presented to stakeholders in Croatia allowing for questions and comments;

2-nd draft study presented to EC colleagues in Brussels; Final draft study presented and approved by ECD.

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