The expert tem provided the following activities and outputs:
Biologist – Flora Expert
Conducted assessment of the potential negative and adverse impact (identification, description, quantification, etc);
Prepared the flora impact assessment;
Prepared the mitigation measures and monitoring plan;
Prepared relevant EIA chapter on flora;
Developed management measures to minimize impact on sensitive fauna or flora;
Reviewed the existing project planning documents;
Created an inventory confirming the status, distribution (biome, biotope and spatial) and abundance of amphibians and reptiles;
Created an inventory confirming the status, distribution (biome, biotope and spatial) and abundance of birds;
Created an inventory confirming the status, distribution (biome, biotope and spatial) and abundance of mammals in the affected area;
Biologist – Fauna Expert
Conducted assessment of the conservation values regarding amphibians and reptiles, birds and mammals;
Conducted assessment of the potential negative and adverse impact (identification, description, quantification, etc);
Prepared the fauna impact assessment (regarding each studied group separately);
Prepared mitigation measures and monitoring plan regarding each studied groups;
Prepared relevant EIA chapter on fauna;
Developed management measures to minimize impact on sensitive fauna or flora;
Reviewed of the existing project planning documents;
Social Expert
Executed field social survey;
Conducted assessment of the social aspect of the project;
Prepared relevant social impact assessment (SIA) chapter(s)
Local EIA Expert
Provided support in preparation of the EIA;
Coordinated with Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning, ELEM and other stakeholders with respect to delivering EIA, including supporting scoping process and reviewing process, as well as trans-boundary EIA aspects; Prepared relevant EIA chapters.