Facility to Respond to Commission Requests – Background Analyses and Expertise Provision on Social Dialogue, in Education and Employment Project Acronym IPA COM WP07 11 08

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
General objectives: The ETF Country Plan 2007-2010 for the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia outlined a number of objectives to which the assignment aimed to contribute: • satisfy information and analytical needs of the European Training Foundation, which in turn serves the European Commission and its services, as well as key stakeholders in the country in the area of HRD; • the capacity-building of relevant stakeholders in the area of HRD; • an efficient and effective planning and implementation of IPA assistance in the field of HRD; and to • facilitate the exchange of information among donors engaged in HRD. Specific objectives of this assignment: The assignment aimed to increase intelligence with a view to informing local policies in the fields of: • education policy taking account of both the EU policy & priorities (incl. EU 2010 policy objectives and targets, Copenhagen and Bologna processes) and the education-related aspects of the EU Integrated Guidelines for Growth & Jobs; • social partners’ contributions to employment policies and IPA HRD programming & implementation.

Role on the Assignment

The Consultant conducted/provided the following activities/ deliverables:

Comprehensive reviews of current policies and practices undertaken and a wide range of stakeholders consulted, including relevant IPA, Ministries’ and project working groups;

Drafted and submitted the Social partner’s report to the ETF;

Drafted and submitted the Education report to the ETF;

Produced the Final drafts of both reports.

Delivered two high-quality reports in the English and Macedonian languages:

a report on Education in two parts – covering:

Macedonian education policy & priorities in the light of EU 2010 policy objectives and targets, the Copenhagen/ Helsinki process in VET and the Bologna process in higher education, and

the education-related aspects of the EU Integrated Guidelines for Growth and Jobs.

a report on Social partners’ contributions to employment/HRD policies.

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