Experts activities and outputs:
Identified the regulatory bodies in charge of trade in services in each CEFTA Party, noted the on-going regulatory reform processes in the services sectors and the role of regulatory authorities in these processes, as well as any form of cooperation amongst regulatory authorities in the CEFTA Parties in the area of services;
Conducted analysis of the potential to intensify cooperation amongst regulatory authorities in the Region, taking into account existing forms of cooperation, interests of services providers and the government to intensify the cooperation by introducing arrangements in new sectors, or strengthening existing ones with a view of deepening the intraregional trade in services. The analysis was backed up with statistical data and the services sectors of mutual interest selected were approved by the CEFTA Parties. The analyses identified the services sectors and the most viable forms of cooperation in short/medium term, bearing in mind the challenges of relevant authorities to complete the task;
Based on the results of the analysis and the common goal to increase intra-regional trade by overcoming current impediments, concrete forms of cooperation amongst regulatory authorities in charge of services in selected services sectors were proposed;
A proposal was produced for necessary technical assistance to CEFTA Subcommittee on Trade in Services in potential conclusion of intra-regional cooperation agreements amongst regulatory authorities securing smooth implementation of recommendations; Participated at the regular meeting of the Subcommittee on Trade in Services in order to present recommendations from the analyses to the members of the Subcommittee