Key Competences for Lifelong Learning – Development of Key Competences in The Macedonian Education System – Project Number: WP06-53-01

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
The project aimed to assess to which extent the environment and pedagogical approaches are conducive to developing ‘LtL’ and ‘entrepreneurship’ competences with students in secondary VET and higher education in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and to identify what could be changed to improve the situation. In addition, through research-based advocacy, the project aimed to introduce and promote the ‘Learning to Learn’ and ‘Entrepreneurship’ competences in secondary VET and higher education in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. By adopting a policy orientation, a specific design and method for reporting findings needed to be established in order to most effectively advocate both competences in secondary VET and higher education to the educational policy and support structures in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

Role on the Assignment

Research activities completed:

Adaptation to the Macedonian context of the following instruments (originally developed by a team of Croatian researchers, which does not form part of the present ToR):

‘LtL’ assessment instruments for students from different grades of secondary VET and higher education;

‘LtL’ needs assessment inventories for students and teachers;

‘Entrepreneurship’ needs assessment inventories for students and teachers;

‘LtL’ and ‘Entrepreneurship’ needs assessment inventories for school management.

Developed a stratified, random, nationally-representative sample of Macedonian students and teachers in secondary VET and higher education;

Developed data collection instruments;

Piloted the instruments;

Collected data;

Entered the empirical data;

Produced a statistical analysis;

Drafted individual reports;

Provided Qualitative analysis of institutional capacity (development of interview schedules, data entry, data analysis, report writing);

Drafted a comprehensive report based on the analysis of all empirical data, including data regarding institutional capacity building.

Advocacy provided for:

Composing a policy brief containing unambiguous policy recommendations regarding ‘LtL’ and ‘entrepreneurship competences’ in secondary VET and higher education in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;

Development of a precise media plan based on the research results;

Presentation of the results to high-level educational policy officials (Ministerial level, Institute of Education, VET Centre, universities, school managers etc.).

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