The Consultant provided the following support:
Component 1: Revise /update the existing Communication Action Plan (CAO) for OPHRD 2007 – 2013
Within Component 1 the Consultant:
1.1 Reviewed the existing Communication Action Plan
1.2 Revised / updated the content of the existing Communication Action Plan, developed by the Operating Structure for Human Resources Development
The revision included upgrading of the overall document (methodology, proposed publicity activities, timing etc.).
1.3 Developed Detailed Plan of Communication Activities
This detailed action plan included, amongst others: tasks, detailed time frame of implementation, resources assigned, results to be achieved, monitoring indicators for evaluation of the CAP, etc.
Component 2: Implementation of the Detailed Plan of Communication Activities
Within Component 2, the Consultant supported the Operating Structure for Human Resources Development in implementing the detailed Plan of Communication Activities developed within Component 1. It included the following services:
2.1. OPHRD Website developed, tested, installed and configured;
2.2. Provided on-the job training for the administration and integration of contents in-house 2.3. Designed a Visual Identity of the OPHRD
2.4. Designed/Developed and Disseminated Communication Tools
2.5. Provided other communication services or/and related services