Small and Medium Size Enterprise Development (SMED PROJECT)

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
The aim of the project was to develop the capacity of the Ministry and the SME supporting infrastructure for improving the business climate for operation of SME. The strategic objective of the TA to the Ministry of Economy was to further develop the capacity of the Ministry and the SME supporting infrastructure. The project should lead to enhancement of the SME development policy and designing strategic measures to boost creation, sustainability and growth of the SME’s. The specific objectives included: • the provision of technical assistance to the MoE & to the national SME support infrastructure, with emphasis on the capacity building; • the development and introduction of measures to support the creation of new business & to enhance business environment for operating enterprises; • assess & perceive the needs for SMEs in all parts of the country, in order to support them to improve their business performance and generate additional employment & income. The expected results after the implementation of the project actions which are proposed were the following: • a revision of policy for the SME sector, comprising a SME strategy & a SME support program; • the SME department of the MoE is trained to up-date the policy papers on a regular basis; • a new mechanism the monitoring & evaluation of SME programmes and projects has been set up • a new programmes for the provision of non-financial support services to SME’s (horizontal & sectoral programmes) have been proposed and elaborated; • the institutions for the implementation of SME support programmes are identified & assisted to be able to deliver them satisfactorily to a large number of beneficiaries; • staff of the MoE, APPRM and other BSOs have participated in extensive training with direct impact over their skills & efficiency in developing SME policy & programmes; • a number of selected priority programmes and projects have been successfully elaborated and designed; • a mechanism for co-operation & communication between the MoE, newly established & more mature BSOs, the international donors and other relevant organizations has been established; • a feasibility study on establishment & operation of the Mutual Guarantee Fund should be produced & prospective founders are identified & communicated; • technical assistance should be provided for the preparation of the reports of the Observatory for SME’s & for the up-dating of the SME’s Charter.

Role on the Assignment

Activities completed and outputs provided:
Activities completed and outputs provided: Reviewed the SME support measures implemented in RM and assessment of results; Prior appraisal of the voucher system for consultancy (VSC) services (targeting the new and existing SMEs and unemployed persons) was produced and increased public awareness for the system was assured;Identified needs and areas of activity where the Business Associations can benefit from the assistance of the projects;Determined the extent to which each of the principal donors genuinely support the need to coordinate their activities with the MoE;Provided information to the donors concerning the activities supported by the MoE, actual and planned and collect information from the donors on their planned activities;

Created SME Forum and strengthened private public dialogue.

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