Support to the Evaluation of the Call for Proposals EUROPAID/130265/L/ACT/ME

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
Global objective To ensure adequate conditions to assess the call for proposals by providing the necessary technical assistance to the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro in the evaluation process. Specific objective To assist the Evaluation Committee in assessing the proposals received under the calls for proposals The required outputs of the assignment were the following: • Signed declarations of impartiality and confidentiality; • Duly completed (and signed) administrative compliance and evaluation grids; • Minutes of meetings between the assessors and of the assessors and Evaluation Committee members; • Independent evaluators reports.

Role on the Assignment

The experts were invited by the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro to act as assessors and independent evaluators (“evaluators” hereafter) during full applications evaluations. The evaluators contributed to the administrative, technical and financial evaluations of applications received.

The Experts 1 and 2 as evaluators were voting member of the evaluation committee. The Expert 3 was assessor and of technical support to the evaluation committee without voting right. The Expert 3 was particularly assigned to the assessment of some of the supporting documents which were later submitted in local language (see section 2.4 of the Guidelines for applicants for further details).

The Consultant carried out the following tasks:

1. The evaluators participated in briefings and Evaluation Committee meetings and support the Secretary of the Evaluation Committee.

2. Provided administrative and eligibility check (step 1): The Evaluators assessed the administrative compliance and eligibility of the application together with the Evaluation Committee.

3. Evaluation of full application (step 2): The evaluators assessed the full application forms of the project proposals declared admissible in a fair and impartial manner, maintaining strict adherence to the PRAG (Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions) rules and according to the evaluation grids published for this Call for Proposals. Each proposal was analyzed independently by each evaluator. The Experts submitted to the Evaluation committee their evaluators’ reports on findings in order to allow the evaluation committee to take an objective and impartial decision.

4. The evaluators filled in and signed detailed evaluation grids, which was an integral part of the Evaluation Report. 5. The evaluators prepared and submitted the Independent Evaluator Report later approved by the Beneficiary.

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