Technical Assistance for Capacity Building of the Bureau of Metrology

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
Global objective To contribute to the free movement of goods and enhance the trade with EU by improving the metrology infrastructure in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Specific objective To strengthen the capacity of the Bureau of Metrology (BoM) to: – transpose and implement harmonized legislation in the area of metrology and pre-packaging; – provide high quality services to the business community, consumers and citizens, and conformity assessment bodies; and – fulfill the conditions for full membership in EURAMET. The following results were expected at the end of the project: • BoM has developed strategic orientations for general development of the metrology infrastructure in the country and its own development; • BoM improved its cooperation with relevant metrology stakeholders. • Further alignment with the EU acquis in the area of metrology; • BoM has developed capacity, both human and institutional, to implement harmonized legislation in the field of pre-packages and measuring container bottles; • BoM has developed capacity, both human and institutional, to became a CAB for measuring instruments in the scope of NAWI and MID following the needs of the local producers; • BoM’s quality manual and general operating practices are bring in conformance with ISO/IEC 17020 for a number of services in the area of legal metrology; • Staff of BoM laboratories is trained to deliver high quality calibration services by effective use of the available equipment; • A quality management system following ISO/IEC 17025 for calibration services is fully implemented in BoM and peer-assessed; • BoM staff has developed capacity to present its quality management system and submit CMCs entries for review to EURAMET; • BoM staff has thorough understanding on EURAMET guides and CIPM MRA requirements and procedures.

Role on the Assignment

Activities and deliverables provided by the Consultant:

During the first half of the implementation period, needs analysis was conducted, legislation was developed and reviewed, the general and specialized training was delivered. BoM was prepared to provide services with the use of the newly supplied equipment by the BERIS project. Bilateral inter-laboratory comparisons between BoM calibration laboratories and EU NMIs was conducted. The quality management system of BoM according to ISO/IEC 17025 was fully implemented.

During the second half of the implementation period, the specialized training was completed and various working procedures were developed. The quality management system according to ISO/IEC 17025 was peer-assessed with a view of its presentation to the EURAMET TC-Quality. The integration of the ISO/IEC 17020 into the quality management system of BoM was initiated, as well as the preparation for establishing of a conformity assessment body in a selected scope of NAWI and MID. Bilateral interlaboratory comparisons with EU NMIs were carried out and CMC entries of BoM were developed. At the end of the project implementation period, the strategic orientations for the national metrology infrastructure was elaborated.

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