Technical Assistance for the Capacity Building of MoLSS on Social Policy and Employment Acquis

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
Global objective The global objective of this assignment was to assist in the better management and coordination of negotiation process of the Chapter 19 by upgrading the skills and knowledge of civil servants of the MoLSS and staff of social partners. Specific objectives The specific objectives were to increase the knowledge of relevant civil servants of MoLSS and the staff of social partners and relevant institutions on the acquis in the field of social policy and employment, as well as to assist in the preparation of fully applicable, detailed and comprehensive table of concordance in the fields covered by Chapter 19. Main activities under this assignment can be categorized in three phases as follow: 1. Inception Phase Activity 1: Kickoff Meeting Opening Meeting will be held at the beginning of the project to discuss the project activities and methodology. Representatives from the EUCD, Secretariat General for EU Affairs (EUSG), European Union Delegation to Turkey (EUD) and Central Finance and Contracts Unit (CFCU) will participate in this meeting. The Consultant, will prepare an inception report within two weeks after the contract signature date of the project. The inception report should include: Detailed training plan with methodology; Working schedule considering the workload of the staff who will participate in trainings curricula; The methodology of how to prepare a table of concordance of legislative provisions. 2. Implementation Phase During this phase, the mission will deliver the trainings and prepare the table of concordance of legislative provisions. Activity 1: Acquis Related Trainings In this phase, trainings on acquis, EU policies and practices in the field of social policy and employment will be held. It is expected that the trainings will be conducted in two separate groups, each consisted of 20 people. There will be 15 training days for each group. Activity 2: Preparation of the table of concordance of legislative provisions The team will examine whole Turkish legislation as well as whole related acquis and prepare a comprehensive table of concordance for comparing the level of harmonization of national legislation with acquis. It is expected that, regardless of current harmonization status, the table has to refer whole related EU legislation; in other words, even the acts and provisions being harmonized will also be covered by this table of concordance. 3. Closure phase During this phase, running until the end of the assignment, the mission will fine tune its studies and prepare a final report accordingly together with the table of concordance of legislative provisions before organizing a closing meeting. Closure Meeting A closing meeting will be organized at the end of the assignment. In this meeting, the table of concordance will be presented to the participants, and the work that should be carried out for transposition of the acquis in this field will be discussed. It is expected that approximately 50 participants will be attended this meeting. The meeting is expected to last half-day and will be held on the premises of the Ministry.

Role on the Assignment

The main outputs from the TA team were:
1. An Inception Report which included detailed outlining initial observations and detailed work plan further applied for respective assignment.

2. Kick off meeting in the premises of MoLSS was conducted with the participation of nearly 15 people from targeted institutions.

3. For each training, a complete package of training-related materials (in English) were prepared, including:

Training curriculum;

A complete set of presentation materials using best practice (in PowerPoint format) for each training course;

A complete set of course hand-outs;

A complete set of course reference materials;

The subject of the training, a list of acquis, including all regulations, directives, communications, Council decisions, ECJ decisions etc.

4. Trainings were delivered in accordance with the agreed implementation schedule.

5. Detailed training reports for each session delivered were annexed to final report. Each training report included:

a brief description of the implementation of the related training course;

an evaluation of the training by the participants;

an evaluation of the training by the expert concerned;

complete list of participants, highlighting those who received a certificate.

6. Produced a comprehensive table of concordance of legislative provisions covering whole acquis in the field of social policy and employment chapter and respective Turkish Legislation.

7. Delivered a final report which describes and evaluates the implementation of the entire assignment and recommendations as well as training reports, training materials and table of concordance of legislative provisions prepared from the start to the end of the assignment.

8. A Closure Meeting with participation of nearly 50 people from related institutions was organized within the negotiation process.

9. 10 hard copies and 10 CD copies of table of concordance of legislation were submitted to the MoLSS (7 copies), EUSG (1 copy), CFCU (1 copy), and EUD (1 copy).

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