Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Elaborating a Draft National Transport Strategy in the Road Sector

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
Global objectives To enhance the economic and social development in the country through: • the elaboration of an investment portfolio in the areas of transport and environment and to improve the investment climate in the transport sector by bringing the institutional arrangements closer to EU standards. • Improved transport infrastructure, by elaborating a National Transport Strategy and improving the management capacities of the national authorities Specific objectives To build up the capacity of the MoTC in preparing the National Transport Strategy

Role on the Assignment

In preparing the National Transport Strategy the local expert team provided: Inventory in the road sector; Inventory of existing (feasibility) studies in the road sector; Inputs in development of methodology for design of the National Transport Strategy; Support in coordination / consultation structure ensuring participation of all key stakeholders – including EU institutions; Assisted the key expert staff in all key elements of the methodology designed.

In regard of developing a draft NTS Plan supported the drafting process; Collated existing information; Ensured participation of key stakeholders; Supported the preparation of the Draft Final Report ready for discussion by the relevant stakeholders; Supported the consolidation of all selected contributions into draft final report; Implemented relevant studies/assessments – including an appropriate evaluation of advantages of the geopolitical position of the country as a part of European network of major transport routes; Ensured inclusion of the following elements:

Quality Improvement and Organizational Strategy

Rehabilitation and Expansion Strategy

Maintenance Strategy

Control and Awareness Strategy

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