Terms of Reference for FWC for Preparation of Tors on Decentralization – Local Self-Government Sector

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
Global Objective The overall objective was continuation of the EC/EAR support to the process of Decentralization and Local Self-Government development through a tailor-made project on both central and local level in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Specific Objectives The specific objective of the assignment was to prepare three ToRs for the CARDS 2006 annual programme projects in the Local Self-Government, based on the analysis of the past and ongoing programmes in the sector and taking into consideration the course of development of the Decentralization process

Role on the Assignment

Outputs produced:
ToR for two Technical Assistance Projects and laid basis for technical specifications for 1 supply contract. One Service Contract for Technical Assistance for Strengthening of the Implementation of the Decentralization Process covering:Support in co-ordination with other donors in the realization of the multi-annual training strategy of the Government and the annual training programmes for the municipal administration, with focus on the need to build up a knowledge and capacity for long term strategic planning, function-driven and resource-based management;Continuation in support to the MoLSG at political and operational level;Fostering the capacity of MoLSG for providing technical support to the local government level;Technical assistance to the association of municipalities (ZELS) for effective participation in all relevant decentralization processes;Reinforcing of the cooperation between the Government and ZELS. One Service Contract for Technical Assistance for Improvement of  the System of Local Self-Government covering: Capacity strengthening at the municipal level for the development and management of strategic plans fostering long-term economic development at local level;Implementation of policies promoting more equitable development;Citizens’ Service Centers establishment/strengthening at municipal level with all administrative and infrastructural resources;Hands-on assistance to develop capacities for long-term strategic planning management on local level and inter-municipal cooperation;Human Resources Development activities for the transfer of knowledge and capacity in the relevant field of the local government management (resources function and finance management).
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