Waste Removal, On-Site Treatment of Former Gasification Plant, BID No. ICB No.4

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
Global objective The Cleanup and Land Reclamation Project was a donor-funded project implemented by the Energy Corporation of Kosovo (KEK). This project aimed to reduce the environmental harm caused by KEK operation through decades and it specifically targeted the ash and overburden dumps in the KEK Mines and hazardous waste from KEK Generation. Specific objective Description of works and services requested from the Consultant: • Inventory of storage facilities and hazardous waste/chemical stored at gasification plant site. • Preparation of detailed inventory, chemical analysis, quantities and disposal / treatment procedures of storage facilities and hazardous waste / chemicals stored at the gasification plant site. • Revision of Hydrogeological site conditions. • Environmental mitigation plan, mitigation measures and monitoring, collection and disposal on site treatment. • Health and safety plan. • Hazard analysis and measures.

Role on the Assignment

Environmental, legal, economic and technical consulting services provided during the negotiations with Kosovo Energy Corporation j.s.c. (KEK) – Prishtina, Kosovo for the conclusion of the works contract for the implementation of the IDA and Holland Government funded project.

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