Technical Assistance to the Institutes for Standardization, Metrology, Accreditation, and Quality Validation (SMAQVA – 1)

Brief Description of Main Deliverables/Outputs:
The specific objectives were to provide a global technical assistance to the three new institutes on Standardization, Accreditation and Metrology, to allow them to prepare all the documents to establish the institutes in accordance with the published laws and to operate the institutes with the European practices in the relevant fields, as well as provide training in management and operations related to these specific institutions. Areas covered included: standardization, development of standards, integration of the standardization in the industry and services; implementation and management of a Standardization Information System; organization of Technical Committees; Accreditation and Certification; National Quality Mark; WTO-Technical Barriers to Trade; legal and industrial metrology, measuring standards and equipment, and conformity assessment procedures, training in related areas For the Institute of Standardization: • A standardization body with fully trained trainers. • A WTO-TBT inquiry point with fully trained trainers. • A well-functioning and updated web site including all the data related to EU standards and Directives, as well as International standards. • A well performing “Standardization Information Centre”. • Capacity to organize and manage Technical Committee to develop new standards in cooperation with all the economics stakeholders. • Capacity to adopt and adapt European and International standards as national standards. • Capacity in EU and WTO notifications of technical regulations. For the Institute of Accreditation: • An accreditation body with fully trained trainers. • Capacity to organize and manage technical committee for approval of accreditation. • Capacity to be recognized by European and International Accreditation association. • Capacity to develop accreditation for certification bodies and laboratories. For the Bureau of Metrology: • A legal metrology body with fully trained trainers. • Capacity to organize and manage the legal and industrial metrology services. • Capacity to verify and calibrate all the measuring and testing equipment. • Support of EAR in the procurement of equipment and standards.

Role on the Assignment

Key Expert activities performed:
The Consultant considered the role of the ISRM in the area of standards, technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures and the obligation for establishing the TBT Enquiry Point as one of the primary requirements of the WTO-TBT Agreement. The Technical Assistance addressed to ISRM, aimed to fulfillment of those obligations and supported the affords of the ISRM in the creation, operability and coordination of the activities of the TBT Enquiry Point including development of the notification procedure on such measures towards WTO Secretariat and its member states. In this line the types of services provided were the following: • Created fully operative WTO-TBT Enquiry Point; • Defined procedures and regulations for coordination of the WTO-TBT Enquiry Point with the various government institutions involved in the notification activities; • Secured a WTO-TBT Enquiry Point with fully trained trainers;
• Provided all information for well-functioning and updated web site –  data related to WTO-TBT Enquiry Point (Objective, name, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail and Internet addresses of WTO-TBT Enquiry Point; Information available from Enquiry Point; Facilities offered including charges); and • Developed capacity in notification of technical regulations.
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