Waste Removal, On-Site Treatment of Former Gasification Plant, BID No. ICB No.4
Environmental, legal, economic and technical consulting services provided during the negotiations with Kosovo Energy Corporation j.s.c. (KEK) – Prishtina, Kosovo for the conclusion of the works contract for the implementation of the IDA and Holland Government funded project.
Support to the Evaluation of the Call for Proposals EUROPAID/130265/L/ACT/ME
The experts were invited by the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro to act as assessors and independent evaluators (“evaluators” hereafter) during full applications evaluations. The evaluators contributed to the administrative, technical and financial evaluations of applications received. The
Construction of Ammonia Dilution Plant
Services provided and deliverables submitted: Environmental, legal, economic and technical consulting on regulations, costs and technical inputs relevant to drafting Ammonia dilution plant project in Skopje, Macedonia. Environmental, legal, economic and technical consulting on drafting Polyeco S.A – Sea Marconi Technologies
Technical Assistance for Capacity Building of the Bureau of Metrology
Activities and deliverables provided by the Consultant: During the first half of the implementation period, needs analysis was conducted, legislation was developed and reviewed, the general and specialized training was delivered. BoM was prepared to provide services with the use of
Adoption and Implementation of the Acquis vis a vis the CAP, Specifically CMO Establishment
In support of the activities identified and described in 4.1.1, the Consultant conducted the following specific activities: 1. Provided support to MAFWE to ensure high quality and alignment of the enacted/amended acts to the relevant EU Acquis, as well as ensured
Appraisal Mission on Bregalnica River Basin Management Project
The scope of work of the consultant included expert analysis, conclusions and recommendations including: 1. Technical Assessment: Existing documents (technical documents, papers regarding risks, beneficiaries, output, etc., with a respective appraisal) were analyzed and log framework plan for the project was
Assessment of the Performance of the Privatization Agency of Kosovo (PAK)
Legal Key Expert services provided: a) Initial assessment Reviewed the conditions of the operating grant provided by ECLO to PAK, in particular with Annex VIII – Description of the performance related bonus scheme; Carried out analysis and comment on the
Strengthening the Relations Between the Processes of Strategic Planning, Budget Formulation, Public Investment Programming and Human Resources Management in the Public Sector
Throughout reviewing and analyzing of the current situation in four pilot institutions the technical assistance clearly identified the gaps in the liaison among the Strategic Prioritization and Budget Formulation, Strategic Prioritization and Public Investment Programming, Strategic Prioritization and Monitoring Outcomes
Expertise Support to Carry Out the Systematic Evaluation of the Four Year VET Provision in The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
The legal expertise for the review of the coherence of existing regulatory documents comprised: All relevant legal documents and secondary legislation identified with support of the VET Centre; Summarized key purpose of each document; Analysis of the linkages between the