Needs Assessment of Governmental Regulatory Bodies and Agencies in their Efforts to Procure Consulting Services
In order to conduct in-depth research aimed at producing the Needs Assessment the project implementation team was composed by 5 experts (Team leader, Legal expert, 2 economists and an Infrastructure/Transport engineer) addressing the following strategic business planning issues: Conducted a
Area of Cooperation: Study: Analysis of Competitiveness and State Aid in the Sectors of Textile and Automotive – Parts
Activities completed: Conducted overview of the sectors (number of firms, employees, regional diversity, main trade and competitiveness) including (if available) ownership structures and loss/profit; Produced clear table of past and existing state aid to the sectors; Produced clear picture of planned
Technical Assistance for Investment Generation
For the project implementation the Consultant provided Expert in FDI attraction and generation also acting as Team Leader. Activities completed: Provided assistance in Institutional building, capacity building, coached and advised in the day-to-day efficient operation and continued with the development
Technical Assistance to Support the Second Phase of the Process of Fiscal Decentralization (Ministry of Finance/Commission)
Activities completed: Conducted an analysis of the transfer systems and formulas used of the central government to local self-government units (municipalities); Conducted an analysis of the financial situation of the local self-government units (municipalities); Provided indicators on the fiscal capacity
Developing a Strategy for Promotion of Outsourcing for GoM and Regulatory Agencies
The following activities and outputs were completed: Conducted analysis of the existing legislation (both primary and secondary) covering the outsourcing by GoM its bodies and regulatory agencies; Organized meetings with the GoM its bodies and regulatory agencies in identifying the
Verification of Expenditure Procedures for the European Agency of Reconstruction on Grants under the Active Labor Measures and Enterprise Development and Innovation Fund Programmes
The following activities were completed: Undertook a verification process that ensured that all the projects were in compliance within the ToRs as specified by the EAR in the selection of audit companies or individual auditors. Performed verification audits on 20
USAID Business Environment Activity – Preparation and Production of Brochures: EU TRANSIT MANUAL
Activities performed: Provided expertise services in development, translation, lecture, proof reading, editing and preparation for printing and printing of EU TRANSIT MANUEL.
Price Analysis of Supply and Construction on the Macedonian Market about Civil Works and Electromechanical Hydropower Plant
In the project implementation 2 Experts were engaged (Civil and Electrical Engineers). They provided complete Price analyses of the market prices of the civil works and other civil construction services and electromechanical equipment for the construction of a hydropower plant
Facility to Respond to Commission Requests – Background Analyses and Expertise Provision on Social Dialogue, in Education and Employment Project Acronym IPA COM WP07 11 08
The Consultant conducted/provided the following activities/ deliverables: Comprehensive reviews of current policies and practices undertaken and a wide range of stakeholders consulted, including relevant IPA, Ministries’ and project working groups; Drafted and submitted the Social partner’s report to the ETF;