Detailed Design For Renovation of Ministry of Finance District Offices in Albania
The Consultant team of 5 local experts (architect, civil engineers, W&S experts, HVAC expert, electrical engineers and technicians) prepared a complete designs for the renovation of the 36 district offices (including equipment and furniture). The offices were designed in accordance
Sectors Analysis on Key Agricultural Products: Milk, Meat and Their Products
Two local experts (from a team of four) were engaged in providing support for both meat sector and dairy sector. For each of the sectors, the studies had the following structure:I. Background and Key FiguresII. Producers and Farmers (private sector
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Fund for National and Regional Roads in Elaborating a Road Investment Plan
As part of the expert team the Consultant provided a Deputy Team Leader – Civil Engineer and Environmentalist in identifying the roads to be rehabilitated with a financial overview and environmental impact assessment and risks. Phase 1: Short-listing Defined the
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Transport and Communications in Elaborating a Draft National Transport Strategy in the Road Sector
In preparing the National Transport Strategy the local expert team provided: Inventory in the road sector; Inventory of existing (feasibility) studies in the road sector; Inputs in development of methodology for design of the National Transport Strategy; Support in coordination /
Assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kosovo
One International Expert was engaged to implement the specific activities (supported by ST local experts) related to preparation of Feasibility Study to define the office accommodation needs of Ministry of Internal Affairs including complete designs and tender documents for the
Preparation of Terms of Reference for the Project “Support to the Trade Sector – Food Safety Component”
The expert prepared the ToR for a service contract for Support to the Trade Sector – Food Safety Component meeting the following guidelines: The ToR prepared following the template of the Practical Guide to contract procedures for EC external actions
Key Competences for Lifelong Learning – Development of Key Competences in The Macedonian Education System – Project Number: WP06-53-01
Research activities completed: Adaptation to the Macedonian context of the following instruments (originally developed by a team of Croatian researchers, which does not form part of the present ToR): ‘LtL’ assessment instruments for students from different grades of secondary VET
Small and Medium Size Enterprise Development (SMED PROJECT II) – Government and Private Sector
Outputs provided: For this purposes the following activities were performed
Terms of Reference for FWC for Preparation of Tors on Decentralization – Local Self-Government Sector
Outputs produced: ToR for two Technical Assistance Projects and laid basis for technical specifications for 1 supply contract. One Service Contract for Technical Assistance for Strengthening of the Implementation of the Decentralization Process covering:Support in co-ordination with other donors in